Why Do People Remain In Sexless Marriages?


Worrying about sexless marriage?

Want to know why people get caught into sexless marriages?

When there is no intimate relation between the couple for a long period, it can be said as sexless marriage. According to recent studies, around 15 to 20 percent couple get caught into sexless marriages. Conversely, spouse can begin to feel more like roommates than sexual partners.

Dr Bala’s clinic is the renowned sexologist clinic in Hyderabad provides the best couple counselling services in Hyderabad for those with problems in sexual relationships and who are unable to conceive. Dr Bala, the best sex therapist in Hyderabad, holds immense experience in solving all the difficulties that couples facing on the bed.

Looking to get personal advice from Dr Bala, you can call us at Mobile: +91 – 9052433109. Or Mobile: +91- 81212 38238.

Top Reasons for Why Couples Remain Sexless Marriage:

  1. Busy Schedule: In some families, the couple gets busy with the responsibilities. They do not get time for intimacy.

  1. Fear About The Sexual Intercourse: Some couples have doubts over some myths; they feel scared to participate in sexual intercourse.

  1. Criticizing Each Other: After marriage, some couple criticize each other for small issues, thereby increasing the distance between them, this makes them stay away from sex.

Men Remain Sexless For The Following Reasons:

  • Erectile Dysfunctions: Some men face problems with erectile dysfunctions. Erectile dysfunction creates an impact over sex.

  • Premature Ejaculation: Some men suffer from premature ejaculation. This condition also makes men remain sexless in their marital life.

  • Prostate Cancer: If men have any prostrate cancer, then he cannot perform sex. This problem makes men remain sexless.

Women Remain Sexless For The Following Reasons:

  • Vaginismus: In some women, there will be tightness in their vaginal area. Due to this, they suffer pain during the sex.  The pain creates fear in them, and they don’t take part in sexual intercourse and remain sexless.

  • Dyspareunia: Dyspareunia is a type of sexual dysfunction which commonly seen in women. Dyspareunia is a condition when a woman participates in sexual intercourse, she feels pain in their genital area. Women who are suffering from dyspareunia feel discomfort and pain, and they will be far away to participate in sexual activity.


Sexual desires will fluctuate based on communication between couples, poor health conditions, partner’s physical appearance, age and poor sexual experience, etc. Having a sexless marriage life is problematic for many couples as days goes on.

Some couples remain sexless after marriage due to many factors. Reasons for sexless marriage may be due to physical or mental problems. Sexless relationships are one of the major causes that are destroying the couple’s relations and harmony of communication between couples. All those problems can be overcome through counselling or surgery.

Dr Bala’s Sexology clinic is the best sexology clinic in Hyderabad, which provides various services related to all your sex problems. Dr Bala Ram Babu’s interaction with patients makes them discuss issues briefly, and thereby he will give them a solution. He is the best sex therapist in Hyderabad.

Dr Bala Ram Babu is a renowned sexologist and gives you a solution based on the person’s condition. With his suggestion, the couple can restart sexual practices in their life.

 If you have any doubts about sexless marriage,

You can call us at Mobile: +91 – 9052433109.

Mobile: +91- 81212 38238.


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