Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy is one of the most effective treatment methods introduced by the great Sexologist couple Dr. Masters and Mrs. Johnson. Masters and Johnson were able to successfully treat thousands of couples and bring their sexual lives back.  Sex therapy is ideally done with couples and it can also be taught to an individual.  Later in the time, the techniques taught in therapy are practiced by the couple on their own. There is a myth that sex therapy means practicing sex under the supervision of a sex therapist or doctor, but it is NOT TRUE

Sex therapy clinic in hyderabad

Sex therapy can heal many problems such as:

  • Impotence/ Erectile Dysfunction 
  • Premature Ejaculation or rapid ejaculation 
  • Pain during sex-Vaginismus, Dyspareunia
  • Sexual aversion in males and females
  • Unconsummated marriages / incomplete marriages
  • Perceptions of poor Body Image 
  • Boredom in sexual relationship
  • Anorgasmia (no orgasm for females)
  • Spectatoring leading to lack of pleasure. 

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