What are the reasons behind male infertility?

What are the Reasons Behind Male Infertility

What are the Reasons Behind Male Infertility?

 Read on this blog provided by Dr. Bala Ram to know the complete details about male infertility problems.

 Dr.Bala Ram is the Best Sexologist In Hyderabad who has years of experience in treating the sexual problems. Sexologist offers treatments for sexual problems like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, less sperm count, less interest in intercourse, etc. along with the best sex therapy counseling in Hyderabad.

 What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility refers to the inability of men to cause pregnancy in fertile women. In infertility, the male proportion can be 40-50%. Affected males are around 7% in India. Male infertility is usually caused by sperm defects, and sperm quality.

Reasons Behind the Male Infertility:

The most common problem is semen production and growth are:

  • It does not grow fully

  • Be oddly shaped

  • Don’t move in the right direction

  • In tiny amounts (oligospermia)

  • Not be produced at all (azoospermia)

An improper lifestyle can reduce sperm count. Smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of certain drugs can lower sperm count. Other causes of low sperm count include long-term illness (such as kidney failure), childhood infections (such as mumps) and problems with chromosomes or hormones (such as low testosterone levels).

Damage to the reproductive system can cause little or no sperm. About 2 out of 10 men with completely lost sperm (azoospermia) experience blockage (obstruction). Congenital disabilities or problems such as infections can cause blockages.

Retrograde Ejaculation: Retrograde ejaculation is when semen returns to the body. It enters your bladder, instead of coming out of the penis. It occurs when the nerves and bladder muscles do not close during orgasm. Semen can have healthy sperm, but sperm cannot reach the vagina.

Retrograde ejaculation has become one of the main problems of the genital tract, which can be caused by surgery, medications or health problems of the nervous system. The signs are cloudy urine after ejaculation and a small amount of liquid or dry ejaculation.

Immunologic Infertility: In some cases, a man’s body produces antibodies that attack sperm itself. Antibodies are usually produced as a result of injury, surgery or infection. They maintain the normal movement of sperm. This fertility problem can make it difficult for sperm to swim into the fallopian tubes and enter the egg. It causes male infertility rarely.

Varicoceles: Varicoceles are swollen veins in the scrotum. These problems occur in 16 out of every 100 men. They are more common in men to cause infertility (40 out of 100). They control sperm growth by blocking the proper flow of blood. Varicoceles can cause blood from your stomach to flow back to your scrotum. The testicles are then too warm to produce sperm. It can cause a low sperm count.

Obesity: Male obesity is associated with decreased sperm concentration and motility, increased DNA damage to sperm, and changes in reproductive hormones. Reduces males reproductive abilities.

Obstruction: Sometimes, sperm can become blocked. Recurrent infections, surgical procedures (such as vasectomy), swelling or developmental disorders can cause blockages. Every part of the male reproductive tract can be blocked. If they are blocked, testicular sperm cannot leave the body during ejaculation.

Hormones: Hormones produced by the pituitary force the testes to produce sperm. Deficient hormone levels cause semen to grow poorly.

Chromosomes: Sperm carry half of the male DND to the oocyte. Changes in the number and structure of chromosomes can directly affect male fertility.
Medication: Some drugs can change the production, function, and delivery of sperm. These drugs are most often used to treat health problems such as arthritis, depression, digestive problems, infections, high blood pressure and cancer.


It’s not too late for infertile male to get the best fertility treatments from Dr Bala, the best sexologist in Hyderabad. If you are suffering from problems such as less sperm count, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, then sexologist will treat all your issues with the best fertility treatments. If you are unable to actively perform your day to day activities due to depression caused by infertility meet the Best Sex Therapy Counseling In Hyderabad.
Would you like to speak with a top fertility specialist in Hyderabad contact Dr. Bala ram right now and Book you appointment! We are here to help you. Contact us +91-9052433109

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