How To Preserve The Desires Even At An Older Age?

How To Preserve The Desires Even At An Older Age

Do you want to preserve your sexual desires as you are getting old? Are you suffering from various sexual problems? Do you want to cure them with the best sex therapist in Hyderabad?

Everyone will have social needs, irrespective of gender, age and several other factors. As humans are social animals, they want to be socially active and develop relationships. However, the quality of your social life will be affected due to health factors, illnesses, mobility challenges, and other social priorities. Satisfying the sexual desires will be more challenging which can lead to social isolation and loneliness, especially in older adults.

Dr Bala, the Best Sexologist In Hyderabad, has provided a detailed outline of the sexless marriage, causes, and how to get back to it. If you want to know how aging factors affect sexual desires, then have a glance at our article. Dr Bala’s clinic provides the best treatments for the couple who are facing problems on the bed.

Tips For Preserving Desires, Even At An Older Age:

Normally aging brings a lot of changes in both males and females. These changes may also affect sexual ability. There are some noticeable changes in women that affect female fertility that include thinning of vaginal walls, painful penetration, vaginal lubrication. As men get older erectile dysfunction is the main reason for their infertility. However, here are a few tips for preserving desires at an older age.

Consider Medication. Prescription pills Viagra, Levitra or Cialis are the world-class erectile dysfunction medication and can be very successful. The primary care doctor can recommend these, and so can a urologist.

Watch Your Waistline. High blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol can cause problems with the vascular system that causes problems with your erections. By exercising and keeping your weight down, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol, as well as heart disease, can decrease or at least delay the onset of erection problems.

Get Your Heart Checked If Needed. Tablets may still be successful, but your health care provider may want to test your heart. Practitioners must ensure that heart function is good before dispensing these tablets. The reason: erection problems may be an underlying condition caused by major heart disease.

Don’t Assume It’s Low Testosterone. Many researchers are concerned about the diagnosis of too many men for low testosterone. A drop-off in desire, however, can be associated with hormones. It may be good to get your testosterone tested for erection problems. The doctor will examine the reasons why you have low testosterone or low sexual desire and discuss them.

Consider Counselling. Sexual problems like hormonal imbalance and erectile dysfunction can have an emotional component so that psychological counselling can be an option. It is important to consider the possibility that a psychological issue may cause your sexual problems. Anxiety, depression, stress in life, and problems with relationships can contribute to the sexual difficulties of men. Counselling can be effective in these situations.

If Your Sexual Desires Are Not Balanced, Talk To Your Partner. It is normal for a couple to have sexual desires that are not balanced. If that’s the case, people need to talk honestly about what’s emotionally important to them and try to reach a solution that satisfies both of their needs. In a sexual relationship, one person may want to concentrate more on intimacy, while others may tend to focus more on the erectile aspects of sexual activity.

Sexual activity and satisfaction can be felt in many other ways.  Other than intercourse, you may experiment with manual, oral, and mechanical methods of stimulation to meet the needs of each other, but that does not come on par with natural practice. Make an effort or consult a best sexologist to happen it in a natural way.  In other words, ask what your partner expecting from you and tell them what you are expecting.

Set Aside Time For Sex. When people get older, daily tension and pressure will become a hurdle for sexual desires. Couples need to set aside time to develop relationships and cultivate continuing intimacy, even though the approaches changed over time. When this happens, couples in their 40s and 60s will enjoy a healthy, intimate relationship.


Starting from puberty, having sexual desire at any age is a natural phenomenon. As getting older, these desires will diminish. To preserve these desires either for men or women, proper medical care and doctor consultation is required. Dr Bala, best sexologist in Hyderabad from Dr Bala’s clinic can help you treat all your sex problems irrespective of age.

If you are one among suffering from lack of sexual desires, it’s high time to book your appointment right now with Dr Bala’s clinic in Hyderabad. Call Us @ 9052433109


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